Corporate Tax Schemes
Singapore’s diverse corporate tax schemes, offering benefits and incentives to businesses, fostering growth and competitiveness in the dynamic market.
The corporate income tax rebate is available for assessment years 2013 to 2020 to help companies reorganize and ease costs.
Non-resident companies not subject to a final withholding tax, Registered Business Trusts and companies receiving income taxed at concessionary rates are also eligible for rebates. Non-resident companies subject to final withholding taxes do not qualify.
Tax Exemption Scheme for Start-Up Companies
This scheme is designed to promote entrepreneurship and help start-up companies. The tax exemption under the scheme will be revised from 2020, as other support for companies to build their capabilities has been strengthened.
Partial Tax Exemption Scheme for Companies
Partial Tax Exemption (PTE) is a scheme promoting entrepreneurship. Eligible firms, including companies limited by guarantee, can benefit from PTE, except those claiming tax exemption as new start-ups.
Frequently Asked Questions on Corporate Tax
Discover valuable insights on various tax schemes, deductions, and compliance requirements. It addresses common queries businesses encounter, enabling informed decision-making and ensuring smooth tax management.